A Two-Step Guide to Re-Activation Marketing

A Two-Step Guide to Re-Activation Marketing

So you’ve got a massive email list with lots of contact info. The contacts may be from a year-old campaign or one you pumped out last week. Either way, your list is full of great leads, all interested in your products/services. Some of them may already be customers.

But what about those who aren’t customers and those who never even opened your emails? For new marketers, it’s humbling to find what little percentage of your list responds to you, let alone make a purchase. Even for top email marketers, average open rates hover around 20% and are likely much lower for you. 

But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if you could recapture those dead leads and transform them into customers? Well, you can. Using EZtransition’s SMS automation software, you can conduct a reactivation campaign with one click. Let’s find out how.

Why Should You Reactivate Business Leads? 

Reactivating leads means you re-ignite the spark between you and the contact. After all, they signed up for your list for a reason, right? Anyone who signs up for your list is interested in what you offer, but they may not be ready to buy, or life gets in the way. 

Whatever the reason, they’re on your list, which gives you the right to contact them and connect them with your products and services. For those leads who have never bought from or responded to you, it’s time to hit them with an irresistible offer. Not through email but an automated text message. 

How EZtransition Helps You Recapture Leads (SMS Automation) 

1. The Offer 

Cold leads need something striking to regain their interest. Start by creating an irresistible offer. Let’s say you’re a meal prep business offering a subscription-based meal delivery service. The program costs $100 per week, but you’re offering it for $50 in a “This Week Only” deal. 

Now let’s say John is a member of your list but rarely opens your emails and is not yet a customer. For John, you could create a message like this: 

“Hey, John, just a quick message to let you know we have a 24-hour only, 50% discount on membership this week. It’s a first come, first served offer, and spots fill quickly. If you’re in, respond with “Yes.” 

An offer like this not only offers a considerable discount but creates a sense of urgency and a personal touch in the form of text, which people are much more likely to check and respond to.

2. The Follow-Up 

John can either say “yes,” “no,” or not respond to your offer. If he says, that’s fantastic; you’ve netted an extra $50 in sales for the month and hopefully a recurring subscription at the full price. If he says “no” or ignores your offer, you can send a follow-up text 1-hour later.

The follow-up text: “Hey John, just a quick reminder that our 24-hour discount is expiring at midnight tomorrow, and spaces are filling quickly; let us know if you’re in”. Again, John can opt-in, say no, or ignore your message.

For instance, you send your irresistible offer to 1000 cold leads, and 1% of those opt-in on the first round. That’s ten leads, all purchasing your discounted subscription at $50 a head, totaling an extra $500 for sending a text. Not bad, huh? Then say a further 1% accept the follow-up offer; from the remaining leads, that’s another $500 for sending the second text. 


EZtransition makes this process easy, with sophisticated SMS software allowing you to automate bulk SMS messages and automatically use Artificial Intelligence to respond to follow-ups. It’s perfect for recapturing cold leads like John. 

If you want to maximize recapturing cold leads or small business marketing in general, check out EZtransition.com, then contact us on the chat widget on the bottom right. We are a marketing agency in Atlanta specializing in digital marketing strategy for small businesses, lead generation, and reactivation marketing. Get started with our free trial today and see how our automated SMS software helps accelerate your sales.

SEO for Chiropractors: Why Your Practice Needs It

SEO for Chiropractors: Why Your Practice Needs It

Starting a website for your chiropractor’s business growth is a critical first step to marketing your business. After all, 46% of all Google searches are seeking local information. But there is a catch: potential chiropractic clients are probably not seeing your site.

To grow your chiropractic business, you need more than a website. You need a digital marketing strategy that includes SEO for chiropractors. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which are steps to take to rank higher on search engines and be discovered by potential clients. 

Read on to learn why chiropractic SEO is the answer for how to get more clients. 

New Chiropractic Clients

The internet has over 1.9 billion websites, so you need to find a way to be seen and be seen by the right people. 

SEO for chiropractors helps tailor your site so potential clients can find it. You will be seen by people specifically searching for a ‘chiropractor near me’ in your area. 

Plus, if your chiropractic SEO includes blog posts regarding how to relieve pain and other helpful advice, then it is likely visitors will also share your website with loved ones, so your site then gains even more visibility.

Free Advertising 

Although SEO for medical centers can involve some initial costs, the long-term savings are immense. You can double revenue, quickly gain new clients, and maintain an online presence in your area.

Consistent SEO practices will enable you to skip paying for advertisements and focus on search engine rankings, which is a lifeline for smaller businesses and practices with smaller budgets. 

Practice Professionalism 

Visitors will form an opinion about your website within 50 milliseconds. And your website directly reflects your practice. So, a slow-loading website without mobile optimization, no editing, and a poor design is not how to get more clients.

SEO for chiropractors ensures your practice is reflected with the best online practices too. It can boost your credibility with strong backlinks and a website that reflects your practice.

Stand Out From Competitors

Chiropractic SEO does not only help you attract new chiropractic clients but also enables you to stand out from the crowd. Your website will rank higher on search results than competitors. They will be able to see customer reviews and directly find your website to make contact. 

Measure Chiropractor Business Growth

SEO also helps your measure your chiropractor’s business growth. You can use business tools that help measure conversions and traffic.

For example, you can see what pages are most popular and what patients are searching for on your site. Then you can take action to create more aligned SEO content to improve your site and attract even more chiropractor clients constantly.

The Best SEO for Chiropractors

SEO for medical centers and different business sectors is more important than ever. If you want to attract new chiropractor clients, generate more revenue, and promote your business, SEO for chiropractors is the best way.

However, it can be hard to know where to begin with Chiropractic SEO. EZtransition is here to help. Book a free consultation today to learn more.  

Why Does Your Business Need Social Media Management?

Why Does Your Business Need Social Media Management?

The digital world is becoming more important than ever. If you’re a new or old business, your presence is vital on social media.  Yet, it can be difficult to dedicate the time to manage multiple social media accounts when you have so many other tasks to complete throughout the day. That’s where social media management comes in! Did you know you can hire someone to take care of your social media content? It’s true! Be sure to keep reading for our guide on why your business needs social media management. 

Save Yourself Some Time

Have you already created social media accounts for your business and only made one or two posts on each account? Unfortunately, this isn’t going to help your social media presence. Social media marketing can be difficult, and that is why people turn to professionals for help. By hiring someone to help with your social media advertising, you can help save yourself some time and move on to the things you need to get done throughout your day.

Build Better Connections  

The best way to use social media for businesses is by talking with current and potential clients. Many clients will reach out to businesses on social media if they have a question or problem. Yet, it can be difficult to respond to everyone.  Hiring someone to respond to online reviews and help build connections with your clients can be beneficial to your brand. You’ll find that having an online presence can make your brand feel more trustworthy to customers. 

Schedule Posts

One of the biggest social media marketing tips is to create a consistent posting schedule. When you hire social media management, they can help to create and schedule social media posts, so your page is always consistent.  You’ll find that social media algorithms favor accounts that are always posting and get a lot of interaction. By scheduling posts, you will have a better chance of keeping up with the algorithm so you can rank higher. 

Create a Strategy

Social media isn’t only about posting cute or funny pictures and hoping people like it. Instead, there is a strategy behind everything a business will post.  Social media management can help you to create a strategy that will target your specific clients. You’ll find that once you’ve created a social media strategy, you’ll get more followers that will want to buy your products or services.  When posting on social media, it is about doing researching and finding what is trending. If you’re not familiar with each platform, you might not know what types of posts are popular. That’s why a social media manager can help you find the right posts to fit your strategy. 

Hiring Social Media Management

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As you can see, social media management is vital for businesses trying to create an online presence. You need someone to take the pressure off of you. Whether it is responding to comments, creating new posts, or saving time, we have what it takes.  Be sure to register today to see what we can do for you! We will help with your online reputation, brand visibility, SEO, and so much more. You can even book a free consultation with us to get started. 

Basic Digital Marketing Services to Help Your Business Grow

Basic Digital Marketing Services to Help Your Business Grow

Want to grow your business organically? Well, you might want to consider some help from digital marketing services with these basic concepts.

When you hire an agency for digital marketing services, you’ll gain the benefit of their expertise. You’ll also gain access to operations that are tailor-made to help your business grow. 

Keep reading to learn how a digital marketing agency can assist your business practices in these fast-paced, digital times.

Search Engine Optimization 

There is a reason search engine optimization (SEO) is at the top of every agency’s list of services. It’s essential to ensure that your business shows up on search engine results pages. Therefore, SEO should drive all of your online marketing strategies.

An agency can optimize your content so that potential customers can discover it more efficiently. Then, you’ll stand out against your competitors because customers will see your product first.

Email Marketing

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Email is an older tactic, but it’s certainly not dead. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads for your business.

Building, managing, and segmenting an email contact list is complicated and time-consuming. However, it’s an essential targeted marketing piece. A full-service digital marketing agency has the experience and tools to handle these aspects easily. They’ll help you set up more effective email campaigns. 

Content Marketing

Storytelling is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness. With the right content, you can establish your company as capable of satisfying buyers’ needs. You’ll also build a winning reputation with potential clients. 

The best strategies aim to answer questions that your audience might have about your products or services.

The main focus of your brand’s content marketing strategy should be providing value. This should be done without blatantly offering your business as a solution to their problems. Therefore, you can win loyal customers without direct advertising methods.


Another effective marketing strategy that an agency can assist with is retargeting. This strategy allows you to reengage with individuals who have visited your website and left without making a purchase. 

Retargeting is an excellent way to remind potential customers about your products. When someone visits your website, you can attach a pixel to their device. This pixel prompts a retargeting provider to show your advertisement. However, it’s shown while the person is browsing elsewhere. Doing so can lure them back to your website to spend some money finally. 

Website Strategy

An effective website acts as an online shop window for your business. Building and managing your website ineffectively can potentially damage your online credibility. And this will undermine all of your marketing efforts. 

The goal of your website is to encourage sales. You can employ specific marketing strategies to increase website traffic and ensure that it’s working to your benefit. The right digital marketing services company can help seamlessly guide your customers to purchasing your products and services. 

Reap the Benefits of Digital Marketing Services 

You can reap the benefits of effective digital marketing services with the above strategies.

Work with an expert to craft solutions for your industry and target market so you can scale your business more effectively. Book your free consultation today!

Why SEO Is Important For Your Business

Why SEO Is Important For Your Business

Search Engine Optimization should be an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy because it can help you grow. Whether you’re just starting out or have an established small business, the facts remain the same—you need SEO to reach customers and thrive in today’s online market. 

But why is SEO important for your business? Let’s start with the basics.

53% of organic SEO traffic to websites comes from SEO. Can you say with confidence that your business has enough SEO to be found in a Google search? If not, chances are your competitors are the ones drawing in customers. 

There’s no denying the importance of SEO for your business. Let’s take a look at why.

Website Usability

Imagine this scenario: you visit a website, interested in a product or service, only to find a confusing or incomplete website. You search for 10 minutes just to find a contact page. 

The result?

You exit the page and move on to a competitor with a user-friendly website.

User-friendly websites are one of the most important reasons to implement SEO. SEO isn’t limited to ranking higher in a SERP; it encompasses everything from your online presence to your website, so make sure yours is user-friendly.


The name of the game in business is gaining traction online without breaking the bank. And SEO is the perfect way to do this. 

Whether you create blog posts rife with keywords or spend time on perfecting your web copy, there’s no denying that SEO is one of the most affordable ways to grow your business. 

Local SEO appeals to customers in close range, helping to grow your business, increase site traffic, and build your online presence.

Leave the Competition in the Dust

You know how amazing your business is, and you want others to know, too. But what happens when you have direct local competition? And what happens if said business is established, and you’re brand new to the industry?

Take a look at your competitor’s website. Do they even have one? If so, does it have any type of organic search engine optimization?

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If their website is lacking (and even if it isn’t), this is your opportunity to come out ahead and bypass the competition. Create engaging content that draws in readers—and customers—and shows them why you’re the better choice. 


When you perform a Google search, which result are you most likely to click on? If you answered, “The first one,” you’re not alone. More than 25% of people click the first result, which is why you want to be in the top spot. 

Trust is a powerful thing between a customer and a business. As you improve your SEO, you’ll increase brand awareness, ranking higher in a SERP. The higher you rank, the more trust you’ll build within the community, and the more visits you’ll get to your website. 

The Importance of SEO

Now that you know the importance of SEO, it’s time to do something about it. If you’re ready to leave the competition behind and stand out in your industry, SEO is the way to go. 

And we can help.

EZtransition is here to increase your brand visibility while improving your organic SEO. Contact us today and book a free consultation. We handle everything from social media to advertising and email marketing automation, so you can focus on what matters most—connecting with your customers. 

From Visitors to Customers: Understanding the Importance of Lead Funnels

From Visitors to Customers: Understanding the Importance of Lead Funnels

One of the most important parts of marketing, and sales for that matter is lead generation. Without leads, it’s hard if not impossible to make sales. Research shows that 58 percent of businesses face challenges around lead generation. Lead funnels offer the missing piece of your marketing puzzle. What are they and why are they so essential? Read on to learn more about the importance of lead funnels.

What Are Lead Funnels and why are they important?

You probably already run ads or have an email list. Trouble is, some businesses run each of these things as separate marketing activities. They’re not separate at all. Each one feeds into the other. This is where the importance of lead funnels comes in. They streamline your marketing by aligning these different activities. In short, you want to direct everyone to one destination—the top of your funnel. From there, you channel visitors along a path that leads them to buy from you.

What Does a Lead Funnel Look Like?

Most lead funnels are built on the AIDA principle. You can use different tactics at each of those stages to build your funnel.

A – Building Awareness

This is where you use social media ads or search engine optimization to bring people to your site. Even referrals count towards attention and awareness. 84 percent of people will trust word-of-mouth before a marketing campaign. A referral or affiliate scheme can incentivize happy clients to bring you more leads.

I – Generating Interest

Your awareness efforts bring visitors to your landing page. These can be simple, but they need to show a potential lead:

  • Why/how your service will help them
  • Why they can trust you to deliver
  • What to do next

Use a single call-to-action on your landing pages, so you don’t confuse visitors.

D – Making a Decision

Now you need to get your visitor to make a decision. Once they do, they become an official lead. Your landing page might lead to an automated email sequence. They might get a free trial. Or they could book a free consultation.

A – Take Action

This is the final stage of the main lead funnel. They’ll either take the action or they’ll leave. Make sure the action fits what you offer. It should be easy to complete, with a clear benefit.

Why Does Your Business Need a Lead Funnel?

You can see how straightforward they can be. They’re also very lucrative. They lead to more conversions from ads or organic traffic because there’s somewhere to send potential customers. It also means your content has a destination for readers too. Funnels provide better leads since lead funnels screen out the ‘wrong’ people. You won’t spend time and money trying to convert someone who won’t buy from you. That’s why they’re sometimes called a lead qualification funnel. A good funnel lets visitors self-select as potential customers. You can remarket to anyone who reaches the decision stage but doesn’t convert. Your offer might not be great for them now, but who knows where they’ll be in six months? Set up as many funnels as you have products or services. Once they’re running, they work overnight with very little input required. Think of lead funnels as 24-hour salespeople.

Set Up Your Lead Funnels

Lead funnels are your secret weapon in running your marketing on auto-pilot. They need to be simple and directed towards the action a customer needs to take. Once they’re up and running, you can focus on nurturing your existing leads to buy more. Want to set up a winning lead funnel for your business? Book a free consultation today.