
Did you know that it takes most people 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about a website? That means you have about 0.05 seconds to convince visitors you’re the best option out there. A difficult feat in the online world! In our ever-evolving digital society, great web design is a must. An effective website is an essential part of your private school marketing plan. If your school’s website looks outdated and lacks ease of use, read on for the top three reasons to re-design!

1. Attract New Students

When potential students or their parents visit your site, you need to make a good impression. After all, your website is a direct reflection of your school. According to a study on enrollment, over 50% of students used the school’s website as their only source of information. If the site is old-fashioned or crowded with too many elements, people tend to click off right away. To attract new students, you need to encourage them to learn about your school. A clean, organized, visually pleasing website is the best way to do that! They should spend time browsing your school site and gathering information.

2. Provide Valuable Information

One of the best private school marketing tips is to provide valuable content for parents and students. This strategy not only gets users on your website for the first time but also keeps them coming back One of the simplest ways to put this into action is to create real-time schedules and news boards. Families won’t have to check emails or rely on phone calls to find out critical information.

A regularly updated announcements page can help attract prospective students. Posting about enrollment dates and fundraisers will encourage them to check back often. Increasing the number of opportunities you get to connect with potential students is crucial.

Providing relevant information can boost your SEO and show off your communication skills.

3. Stay Competitive

Creating effective marketing for private schools relies on building a reputable online presence. If you don’t have a website, people can’t find you. That means losing future students to others that do have a private school website.

Staying competitive in a technological society consists of creating an outstanding online user experience. It also means increasing accessibility since almost 50% of website visits are now mobile-based. These two aspects can make your school’s website more competitive.

That’s just the basics. It would help if you also stood out from your competition. Web design is the best way to achieve that. A good design that uses SEO-friendly code will get your site found first.

Great Web Design is Essential

A modern, beautifully designed website should be the cornerstone of your marketing plan. But we know that building great web design can be difficult. That’s why the team at EZtransition is here to help you out! We do everything from formulating a marketing plan to building beautiful sites. We excel in inbound marketing and sales, finding you the students your school deserves. To learn more about the process and start designing, set up a free consultation with us today!