Businesses must take a multi-pronged approach to online marketing. That means you must put resources into search engine optimization, inbound marketing, social media, and email marketing.
For many businesses, that last entry proves challenging. It’s something you hear about but may not really understand. You may even ask, “What is email marketing?” In essence, it means delivering content and product or service promotions via email. It sounds simple enough, but is it important? It does matter. Keep reading, and we’ll give you five reasons why you should employ email marketing.
1. Build Relationships
It doesn’t mean selling all the time. In fact, it’s counterproductive if you handle it that way. The best strategy blends a combination of useful or targeted content with more obviously promotional materials. This lets you demonstrate that you understand your customer’s needs, which builds and reinforces the relationship.
2. Solid Return on Investment
As marketing strategies go, email marketing offers one of the best returns on investment you’ll see. The major expense is the actual content in the emails, which someone must write. The actual delivery cost virtually nothing. You see a much better open rate, conversion rate, and revenue earned rate than any other marketing channel.
3. You Can Automate It
Channels like social media require a lot of real-time attention if you want good results. At a minimum, you must check on and post to your social media accounts daily. Email marketing doesn’t operate in the same way. You can create months’ worth of content in advance. Then, you use email marketing automation for delivery. It’s more work initially but spares you from daily responsibilities.
4. You Target a Warm Market
One of the biggest benefits is that you target a warm market. Anyone on your email list or sub-list already proved their interest in your product or service by signing up in the first place. That means you can often prompt action with deals you don’t offer the general public, such as big discounts or package deals.
5. Seamless Integration with Other Marketing Efforts
It can help grow your business because it integrates seamlessly with other marketing efforts. You can send out one-time emails supporting product launches that link out to videos of your new products, sales pages, or other content. You can also use it as a way of delivering more or specific product information to your list than you provide elsewhere.
Email Marketing and Your Business
Email marketing is an unusually effective strategy that can boost sales, business growth, and brand awareness. It lets you reinforce relationships with customers. It’s also a profoundly cost-effective approach that delivers an excellent return on investment. It’s also an option that allows for easy automation once you finish writing or outsourcing the writing for the email campaign.
EZtransition specializes in online marketing, such as email marketing automation. If you’re considering moving into digital marketing or email marketing, contact EZtransition today for more information or to get started.