
For content creators, it’s easy to think about a topic or idea to write about. However, putting these ideas into structured words and paragraphs can be a little tricky. Seeing that white empty blank page can be intimidating for some writers or non-writers alike. It’s easy to get lost in your own head anfffd end up having no clue what to start writing about. This is where blog post templates come to the rescue! In this article, we’ll show you the best free blog post templates that will help you write faster and easier. 

What Are Blog Post Templates?

A blog post template is a document that is pre-formatted with built-in sentences that are structured with blanks that you’re supposed to fill and customize for your blog. Blog post templates serve as a great starting point for writing new content. 

There are many different templates you can use and some require you to pay a fee. But if you don’t feel like putting dents on your wallet, read this run-down of blog post templates that you can use for free:

Blog Post Templates – Hubspot

Hubspot is one of the leading marketing software companies that is built to help marketers grow their marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM. They have blogs that we find very useful for marketers. One of the many helpful resources they have is their collection of nearly 400 content creation templates for blogging, infographics, ebook writing, and more. In this collection, they have five blog post templates you can use for your blogs. While their templates are nothing like fill-in-the-blank types, you can use them as a guide for the critical steps when writing blog posts.

Press Release Templates – West US

West US is a communications service that helps office firms and coworkers to communicate efficiently. Their blogs contain tips and how-tos about hosting webinars and video conferences for business purposes alike. In one of their blogs, they broke down six press release templates for you to use. They have varied templates for different kinds of press releases such as the general press release, special events, unveiling or launch date, company developments, awards, and contact lists. These templates are indeed useful if you need help in writing a proper press release to promote announcements, events, or a new product.

Infographic Templates – Venngage

Infographics transform difficult to read information into skimmable and easy to digest visual graphics. It’s a great way to spark your audience’s interest and appeal. As to why Venngage offers its customers a platform to create their own professional-looking infographics with their easy to use infographic maker. They have an overwhelming amount of different infographic styles, which can be confusing. As to why, as a guide, they published nine different infographic templates on their website. These templates vary based on the goal of your infographic and the type of data you want to convey.

Blog Post Templates – Co-Schedule

Co-Schedule is an all-around digital marketing tool. It’s the tool for marketing, blogging, and social media strategizing and management. In one of their blogs, they published 10 simple blog post templates that cover all of the steps in the process of creating content. It’s basically a guide on how to write fantastic blogs without having to spend a lot of time. There’s just one template for blogging, but the other nine focuses on keyword research, social posts, and more. 

Blog templates are reliable tools you can use when writing for content, especially when you don’t have much time to write. However, don’t depend on these templates too much. As much as these templates are very useful, only use them as a guide in constructing sentences and paragraphs. Nevertheless, continue to express your creative freedom and write from what you know and what you actually want to write about.

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