
Our opening blog article in our original five-part series explores the first step in optimizing the local customer journey at dance studios. We look at how establishing an effective website engages your prospects by presenting a combination of aesthetics, well-presented information, and clear call-to-actions (CTAs). 

An optimized website propels the reputation of dance studios by gaining trust and credibility. Your website can achieve this by displaying studio awards, teaching accolades, industry experience, and facility offerings, giving students a better expectation in their dance journey. Also, it is important to include interactive site elements. Doing so guides visitors seamlessly through a dynamic process, encouraging interest and participation. 

Aesthetics and Functionality

Your website’s overall design should provide the most welcoming experience as visitors embark on a local customer journey. While every website has a unique design layout, there are universal elements that contribute to a more fulfilling user experience, which include:

Using white spaces: Spaces between paragraphs provide some breathing room for visitors to process your displayed information. White spaces also help remove distractions so visitors can focus on your site message. On the contrary, long walls of text might overwhelm and turn visitors away from learning more about your offerings. 

Display Testimonials: Prospective students can form positive impressions of dance studios by seeing the success of previous cohorts. Online users prefer social proof over polished marketing promotions. Detailed and genuine testimonials could do wonders for your local marketing campaigns. 

Apply strategic visuals: A picture speaks a thousand words. Images and videos of happy dance students can help promote a conducive learning environment much better than a long descriptive paragraph. 


Most online users (92.3%) browse the internet via mobile devices. As such, it is important to check your dance studio’s website for mobile-friendliness or risk losing their interest! Modern website creation platforms enable convenient toggling between desktop and mobile view for a complete assessment of your site display. 

Automated Communication

It’s essential to develop trust in your website visitors, so smooth and undisrupted communication is a vital ingredient. 

Understandably, keeping up with hundreds of customer queries flooding your site is difficult, especially during peak online traffic. That’s why you should consider automated communication for your website. Applying automated chatbots provides site visitors with 24/7 support that keeps them satisfied while your dance studios maintain a professional image. 

Frequent Call to Action

The top-performing websites of dance studios usually feature multiple calls to action throughout their pages. Each CTA should drive a specific action, depending on the different stages of a customer journey. 

Populating your websites with persuasive calls to action encourages visitors to take steps toward engaging your studio and starting their dance journey. Also, ensuring that your CTA stands out from the rest of your site content is important so visitors won’t overlook them. 

Boost Your Local Customer Journey

Ultimately, a website gives your customers the first impression of your dance studio. Optimized aesthetics and user-friendly elements go a long way in properly introducing your skills, credibility, and expertise to prospective students and having them enroll in your classes. 

With that said, there are additional steps that you’ll need to set in place to boost your dance studio business and local marketing strategies. The next article in our blog series explores the delicate process of following up with your prospects and how you can gain their interest and loyalty with a tried-and-tested approach. 

Book a 30-minute call with EZ-transition to discover how we can help you develop the ideal marketing plan for your dance studio!