
As we continue our series of articles about online reputation management for businesses, in this sixth article, we will explain how to track, analyze and take action based on review sentiments over time. Our first post explained why small businesses need online reputation management more than ever in 2022, while the second piece reveals the trick to earning more internet reviews. The third post discussed how to achieve more 5-star ratings for your business, and the fourth one explained how to respond to Google reviews in a short time. The fifth article highlights ways to amplify the best google reviews and enable them to appear everywhere. 

Online reputation management and marketing for small businesses play a significant role in ensuring the success of a business. Basically, it involves tracking and analyzing your customers’ sentiments. Afterward, you have to take action based on those reviews to improve your customer experience. 

Read on to learn more about tracking, analyzing, and taking action based on online reputation management principles and reviewing sentiment over time when marketing for child activity centers.

What is Sentiment Analysis 

Sentiment analysis is an automated procedure that helps analyze texts and interpret their feelings. It uses algorithms and machine learning technology to classify statements into negative, positive, and neutral categories. 

Often, this process is used by businesses and brands as a social media monitoring strategy to handle massive volumes of data and obtain consumer insights. This way, you can understand more about consumers’ attitudes towards your business and what your competitors are doing. 

How Sentiment Analysis Works 

Sentiment analysis tools work in three important steps: 

Gather and prepare Data 

The first step in sentiment analysis and online reputation management is gathering data from customer feedback or review rating sites. After collecting the data, you need to convert it into an XLS or CSV format.  

Use the Review Sentiment Analysis API 

Take your input data and run it through the sentiment analytics API. It will instantly produce sentiment ratings ranging from negative one ( -1) to zero (0) and positive one (1). A negative one represents negative sentiments, while zero shows neutral sentiments. Finally, a positive one represents positive sentiment. 

Sentiment Analysis Dashboard 

After getting the sentiment scores, you can choose to transform them into visual reports using data visualization tools such as Tableau. These presentations contain tables, graphs, and charts that can help you identify the patterns and trends in your market. 

How to Make Positive Changes in Your Business Based on Real Data 

Real data can help you in marketing for small businesses and make positive changes, as discussed below. 

Know Your Customer 

All customers are unique, and each of them has specific needs. Reputation management Atlanta requires you to use real-time data to identify your customers and know what they want easily. This way, you can attend to your customers’ needs, allowing them to remain loyal to your business. 

Promote Different Products Depending on Insights 

If your business deals with different products, it is essential to tailor a marketing strategy that suits each product depending on insights. As a result, you can easily connect with your audience and attract more customers. 

Easily Identify What is Working or What is Not 

Marketing agency Atlanta professionals are not perfect. There are times when they may use campaigns that are not effective. Using real data, they can identify the strategies that are working and those that are not, allowing them to make adjustments. 

Importance of Analyzing Repetitive Reviews Keywords 

When analyzing reviews, you need to analyze repetitive keywords. Analyzing these keywords helps you to know what your customers want. These keywords can also help you better understand what you are doing to improve further and retain your customers. Finally, these keywords can also help you develop effective marketing campaigns and boost your business. 

If you are looking for a marketing agency in Atlanta, contact EZtransition. Our company specializes in reputation management in Atlanta, enabling you to attract more customers. Additionally, our company offers marketing for child activity centers. Get started with EZtransition’s reputation management service today, and use the code “rep15” for 15% off of your monthly subscription. 

Image credits: Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash